3 December 2020
The Business Council of Canada is one of Canada’s most influential business representative organisations. It represents the chief executives and heads of 150 leading Canadian businesses, employing 1.7 million Canadians and composed of every major industry across the country.
Goldy Hyder, the Council’s President and CEO, has a fascinating track record in business, public policy, and in the not for profit sector. He has such informed and passionate opinions about effective leadership, business strategy and global trade. In this interview we talk about:
· His ties to Ireland, his trip to Dublin in 2019, and why the keynote speech he gave then is as relevant today as it was then
· Driving the competitiveness of Canadian businesses
· Why trade is the solution to an impending global recession
· How Eastern countries have managed Covid-19 more effectively than those in the West
· His hope for what the new US Presidency might achieve for global trade and relations
· Why CETA has been a boost for businesses and why Ireland must ratify the agreement
· The leadership mindset and policy-making in times of crisis