Ireland impresses at PDAC 2025

The Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Convention – PDAC 2025 – the world’s largest meeting of minerals industry professionals – sees a revitalized Ireland presence with a newly designed Stand hosting key stakeholders. Led by the Government of Ireland’s Department of Environment, Energy and Climate (DEEC), the Ireland Stand includes Geoscience Ireland members the Geological Survey Ireland and iCRAG and for the first time, the Irish Minerals Fund backed by the Irish Strategic Investment Fund.

Attracting FDI to Ireland’s minerals sector in the face of strong international competition remains challenging. Ireland’s presence at PDAC, led by the Geoscience Policy Division of DEEC, is an essential component of ensuring that Ireland remains a welcome destination for the minerals sector.

Geoscience Ireland members exhibiting and/or attending PDAC include

  • Priority Drilling /Zero Trip which provides advanced deep drilling techniques for minerals and geothermal energy in Ireland, the UK and Sweden
  • Aurum Exploration which provides exploration generation and management globally
  • Mincon plc which manufactures drilling equipment with operations in Canada, Africa and Australia
  • SLR an international sustainability consultancy
  • WSP a global engineering and geotechnical consultancy, and
  • QME a mining contractor active in Ireland and Portugal.

Ireland’s minerals sector grew as result of Canadian investment and Ireland Canada economic ties remain strong . Geoscience Ireland supports the call by the Ireland Canada Business Association for the full implementation of the CETA by the Government of Ireland.