20 December 2021

A Christmas message from our Chairperson, Chris Collenette, on behalf of everyone at the ICBA

Release of the 2021 ICBA Member Sentiment survey

The 2021 ICBA member sentiment survey revealed some of the prevailing concerns, priorities and opportunities for business leaders in Ireland and Canada. The majority plan to invest in their workforce this year through salary increases, wellbeing & upskilling initiatives, and hiring more staff. There was a call for more flexible work models to be introduced.

Respondents to the 2021 survey employ almost 50,000 people across Ireland and Canada, and they gave their views on:

1. Why Canadian multinationals choose Ireland
2. Obstacles to further expansion in Ireland
3. Planned investment in their workforce in Ireland
4. Covid & the future of work and the workplace
5. ESG / Sustainability
6. CETA trade deal

The results of the survey were published in the national press, and ICBA Chair Chris Collenette joined Vincent Wall on Newstalk radio to talk about them (below).

View Full Survey Results

Chris Collenette on Newstalk Radio speaking about the ICBA member survey results

International Terry Fox Run Ireland 2021

Thanks to everyone who took part in the 2021 Terry Fox Run, which took place in October. The event, organised in tandem with the ICBA and the Embassy of Canada in Ireland,  celebrates the legacy of Canadian hero Terry Fox, and all funds raised in Ireland go to the Irish Cancer Society. And special thanks to Stew Paterson in TD Securities who made this event possible. 

Terry Fox Run 2021
Terry Fox Run 2021
Terry Fox Run 2021
Terry Fox Run 2021

A short video introducing the revamped Ireland Canada Business Association website and all of the new features, content and categories that we hope you find of value.

The Ireland Canada Connection: TELUS International & Optel Group

 of TELUS International and Desmond O’Sullivan of OPTEL Group reveal how they go about building a culture of employee wellbeing, and the positive impact it has on company culture, employee engagement, productivity and the customer experience.

Why it's time for Ireland to ratify CETA

In 2020, some €2.1 billion of Irish goods were exported to Canada. As a result, there are over 600 Irish companies now exporting to Canada which support 25,000 jobs here…..The benefits and opportunities presented by the trade deal with Canada should be embraced.

Kate Hickey, ICBA Executive Director

Why Canada is unlocking its vault of maple syrup – CBC

Canada release maple syrup from reserves
Patrick Costello Failed High Court Challenge

The decision of the High Court paves the way for the government to ratify CETA in the Dail. It specifically addresses the concerns raised by those the committee whose only reluctance to ratification was the ICS provision. In short, it is confirmation and reassurance that public interest law will always come first. All members of the committee have acknowledged the economic benefit of the CETA trade agreement but had concerns over the potential of legal cases against the State; now that these concerns have been address by the High Court, it’s time to get CETA over the line.” Chris Collenette

The Ireland Canada Connection podcast: The transatlantic cable connecting Ireland and Canada 

The transatlantic cable connecting Ireland and Canada

We often talk about connections between Ireland and Canada from a business, cultural and diplomatic perspective, but in the latest episode of The Ireland Canada Connection podcast series, we hear the fascinating story of a very tangible connection – a 3000-mile long cable that connected Valentia, Co Kerry with Hearts Content, Newfoundland.

Host Patrick Haughey meets Leonard Hobbs , Chairperson of the Valentia Transatlantic Cable Foundation, to talk about the history of this cable, how its impact can still be seen today, and his bid to make Valentia Island a UNESCO World Heritage site.

On November 23, 2021, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada, delivered the Speech from the Throne to open the first session of the 44th Parliament and outline the government’s agenda. 
For the first time, the speech was delivered in three languages: English, French and Inuktitut. There was a strong domestic focus on COVID-19 impacts on Canada’s society and economy,  the return of high inflation, and historic weather-related events and disasters in Canada.


20th January @ 4pm
Webinar on Sustainable Investment with Irish Life & McCann Fitzgerald

3rd March
Webinar on Financial Compliance Legislation with Leading Edge

16th June @ 1pm
ICBA Golf Classic , Castleknock Golf Club

14th October
Maple Leaf Dinner in Marker Hotel

Further information on the above and future events can be found on our website – irelandcanada.com 

* Thanks to Suzanne Drisdelle of the Canadian Embassy in Ireland for contributing news stories from Canada 

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If you are interested in joining the ICBA please email events@irelandcanada.com